You can use a CSV file to upload changes to the Gradebook.
The Gradebook CSV file does not currently support entries for assignments set to display grades as complete/incomplete.
CSV file uploads can create assignments and update grades; they cannot update any other area of the Gradebook, such as assignment status or comments
Letter Grade and GPA Scale assignments do not support any entries that are not part of the assignment's grading scheme.
Click the Marks link.
Click the Gradebook menu.Then click the individual view.Open the Global Settings.
Click the Upload Scores (from .csv) link.
Click the Choose File to browse for your .csv file. Make sure the file is saved as Grades-Course_Name.csv.
Note: If you are unsure what the CSV file should look like, click on the What should the CSV file look like? link. A image will appear in the window (see the next step).
Click the .csv file containing the grades and click the Open button to upload the marks.
Click the Upload Data button to upload the .csv file.